Why Warm-Up and Cool-Down Exercises are Important
Hey there Crossfit Aurora Central crew! Today we’re diving into a topic that we might sometimes miss out on or scamper through – warming up and cooling down. You know, those exercises you’re supposed to do before and after your sweat session? Yeah, those ones!
Start Right with a Good Warm-Up
Before you start lifting heavy weights or jumping on those boxes, your body needs a proper warm-up. Think about it, would you start your car in the middle of winter and immediately hit the highway? Probably not, right? Just like your car needs a moment to get all the functions going, your body does too. A proper warm-up increases your heart rate, loosens your muscles and tendons, and preps your nervous system for the upcoming workout. This helps to reduce the risk of injury and can also boost your performance!
Cool Down: The Perfect Full Stop to Your Workout
Cooling down after your workout is just as important as the warm-up. This is the time when you lower your heart rate, stretch those muscles you worked so hard, and set the recovery process rolling. A good cool-down helps to prevent muscle stiffness and soreness and can also give you a mental wind-down, bringing closure to your workout.
Don’t Skip, Just Do It!
Believe it or not, warming up and cooling down can make a huge difference to how you feel during and after your workout. Your performance can improve, and your recovery will be quicker. So, remember, don’t skip these crucial steps – hop on that rower, pick up that PVC pipe, or get on that foam roller. Your body will thank you later!
Got questions or just getting started on your fitness journey? We’ve got you covered! Schedule a No Sweat Intro – a free consultation with one of our experienced coaches. They’ll be more than happy to guide you, answer your queries, or simply chat about your fitness goals.
Click here to schedule your No Sweat Intro at Crossfit Aurora Central today. Let’s conquer your fitness journey together!